• From Class-based Hero to Functional Ninja

    The ugly truth about Class-based Object Oriented Programming and Encapsulation

  • ES2021/22 and Beyond, Whats (es.)Next?

    Examples of the latest ECMA spec.

  • SAE - Frontend JS - Angular

    Learn the basics and intermediate topics of Angular.

  • SAIG - Workshop - Digital Imaging Noise

    SAIG workshop about noise in digital imaging

  • Optimistic UI - All-In on Optimism!

    Learn the basics and intermediate topics of Angular within our two-day Angular workshop.

  • Public: RxJS and Angular with ngrx store

    Slides for our RxJS and Angular with ngrx store Workshop

  • Small Footprint Angular - The agnostic way of writing Angular

  • Public: Pragmatic TypeScript Programmer

    Slides for our Pragmatic TypeScript Workshop

  • Build Solid Web Apps using Angular and GraphQL

    How to use Angular and GraphQL to build strongly typed APIs' and rock-solid user interfaces

  • Angular Reactive Forms Extension

    Master the Mess of Forms with ng-rfx

  • Lean UX Assumption Workshop

  • Usagility: How to UX the Agile Way

    Following a simple UX process can make a tremendous difference in how meaningful the experience of your product or service will be.

  • PWA

    PWA Primer for people who never really looked into the concept and technologies.

  • Angular Workshop

    Slides for the syncrea Angular Workshop

  • Angular the Redux Way

    Some thoughts on application state architecture, user interface state management and other pitfalls.