The Pragmatic TypeScript Programmer

Get the most out of TypeScript with simple, pragmatic and functional best practices.

by Gion Kunz

Gion Kunz

  • Angular GDE since 2018
  • Front-end developer, web standards advocate
  • Specialized in spa development using Angular
  • Onsite ramp-ups, coaching and implementation support in projects
  • Author of the book "Mastering Angular Components"
  • Frequent speaker at conferences and meetups
  • Teacher for web development and UX engineering at the SAE Institute in Zurich
  • Tutor at O'Reilly Safari Online Training
  • Contributor on the Angular project, author of Chartist.js library

Founder, UI Developer, UX Enthusiast at syncrea GmbH

If I am not in the Web universe, I watching Deep Space.

M82 (Bode's Galaxy, left) and M81 (Cigar Galaxy, right), both about 12 Mio Lightyears away.

Workshop Topics

  • TypeScript Base

    • No Implicit Any

    • Any and Unknown

    • Strict null checks

  • Type Declarations

    • Use native types

    • Declaration by initialization

    • Tuple type declarations

    • Literal types

    • Union types (and & or)

    • String literal union types

  • ECMAScript 2015 - 2018

    • Modules

    • Var vs. Let vs. Const

    • Template Strings

    • Loops (for, for of, forEach)

    • Arrow Functions

    • Destructuring

    • Spreading

    • async / await

  • Functional Primer

    • Pure functions

    • Immutability

  • OOP > FP > Pragmatic TypeScript

    • Object literals with Interfaces

    • The Myth of OOP

  • Advanced Topics

    • Type aliases for Documentation

    • Discriminated Union Types

    • The Partial Interface

    • The keyof Type

    • Conditional Generic Types

    • User Defined Type Guards with type predicates


  1. You have your Laptop with internet access
  2. Access to
  3. If you want to keep your history, create an account!

Let's Hack!

TypeScript Base

No Implicit Any

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "noImplicitAny": true

Any and Unknown

let x: any = 10;
x = 'anything';

let y: unknown = 5;
y = 'unknown';

let z: number;
z = x;
// Not possible!
z = y;

Strict Null-Checks

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
     "noImplicitAny": true,
     "strictNullChecks": true

How to Deal with possible null values

  • Non-Null Assertion Operator !
  • die() helper function
let x: string | null;


function die(message: string): never {
  throw new Error(message);

(x || die('Ooops...')).toLowerCase();

Type Declarations

Use "Native" Types

let n: number;
// Not this -> let n: Number;

let b: boolean;
// Not this -> let b: Boolean;

let s: string;
// Not this -> let s: String;

Skip Declaration when Initialized with Value

const n = 100;
// Not this -> const n: number = 100;

const x = 'Hello World';
// Not this -> const x: string = 'Hello World';

Tuple Type Declarations

type NameAgeTuple = [string, number];

const nameAndAge: NameAgeTuple = ['Peter', 52];

Literal Types

type AnswerToAllQuestions = 42;
// Error!
const n: AnswerToAllQuestions = 13;

Union Literal Types

type FibonacciNumber = 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 8 | 13;
// Error!
const n: FibonacciNumber = 4;

String Literal Union Types as Enumeration Type

type OrderStatus = 'Ordered' | 'Paid' | 'Shipped' | 'Delivered';

interface Order {
  id: number;
  status: OrderStatus;

const order: Order = {
  id: 1,
  status: 'Ordered'

Intersection Types

interface Cat {
  name: string;
  meow: () => void;

interface Dog {
  name: string;
  bark: () => void;

export type CatDog = Cat & Dog;

ECMAScript 2015 - 2019

ECMAScript Modules

// a.ts
const magicNumber = 13;

export const modulePublic = 'This is public';

export function multiplyWithMagicNumber(n: number): number {
  return magicNumber * n;

// Default export
export default [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13];
// index.ts
import {
  modulePublic as moduleAText, 
} from './a';
import fibonacci from './a';
import * as A from './a';


console.log(A.default === fibonacci);
console.log(A.modulePublic === moduleAText);

Var vs. Let vs. Const

function closure() {
  var closureScoped = 1;
  for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

  // Error

Template Strings

const peter = {
  name: 'Peter'

console.log(`My name is ${}!`);

Loops Revived

const list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];

// Traditional but block scope counter
for(let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {

// Functional

// for...of loop
for(let item of list) {

Arrow Functions

const multiply = (a: number, b: number) => a * b;


// Array destructuring
const list = [1, 2, 3];
const [first, second, third] = list;

// Object destructuring
const peter = {
  firstName: 'Peter',
  lastName: 'Griffin'
const {firstName, lastName} = peter;

Parameter Destructuring and Defaults

export interface ConfigurationOptions {
  delay: number;
  host: string;
  limit: number;

function configure({delay = 1000, 
                    host = 'localhost',
                    limit = 300}: Partial<ConfigurationOptions>) {


// Array spreading
const list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
const appended = [...list, 5, 6, 7];

// Object property spreading
const peter = {
  firstName: 'Peter',
  lastName: 'Griffin'
const peterWithAge = {
  age: 52

Async / Await

// Traditional promise chain
function invalidateUsersLame() {
  return fetch('/api/users')
    .then(usersResponse => usersResponse.json())
    .then((users: User[]) => 
      Promise.all( => 
        fetch(`/api/users/${}/invalidate`).then(() => user)

Async / Await

// Async await löve!
async function invalidateUsers() {
  const usersResponse = await fetch('/api/users');
  const users: User[] = await usersResponse.json();
  for(let user of users) {
    await fetch(`/api/users/${}/invalidate`);
  return users;

Functional Primer

Pure Functions

// Pure
function multiply(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a * b;

// Impure
const name = 'Peter';

function getNameLength() {
  return name.length;

As Much Pureness as Possible!

  • Very simple to reason about
  • No dependencies other than parameter
  • Reproducable
  • Highly deterministic
  • Simple to test
  • Cachable!

Immutability - What's wrong with mutability?

  • Object property mutation changes state, but consumers are not notified.
  • Mutable data is inherently complex, because it can change.
  • Mutable data can lead to distributed dependencies, which would need to be notified about change.
  • Harder to be confident about correctness of the code.
  • Reference Problem: The nested references

Immutability by using readonly

interface Person {
  readonly name: string;
  readonly age: number;

const person: Person = {
  name: 'Peter',
  age: 52

// Error! = 'Pete';

Convert mutable structures with Readonly<T>

interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;

const person: Readonly<Person> = {
  name: 'Peter',
  age: 52

// Error! = 'Pete';

Immutable Arrays, Sets and Maps

const list: ReadonlyArray<number> = [1, 2, 3, 4];
// Error!
list[0] = 10;
// Error!
// Error!

OOP > FP > Pragmatic TypeScript

Interfaces with Object Literals

export interface Person {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;

const person: Person = {
  firstName: 'Peter',
  lastName: 'Griffin'

Interfaces with Object Literals

  • Use interfaces to define your model / data.
  • If too much boilerplate for construction, use object factory functions.
  • Implement any logic outside your model using pure helper functions.

What's Wrong with OOP and Encapsulation?

  • One does not combine data and behavior to create living objects...
  • Mostly the types with behaviors metaphor is not taking you that far.
  • We have learned that Inheritance is a bad thing to begin with and we should avoid it.
  • Implementing behavior classes and using composition is suggested but it's just a work-around.
  • Encapsulation ≠ Data Hiding

The Multiple Inheritance Dilemma

export class DesigningDeveloper {
  design(): void {
    // Can design

  develop(): void {
    // Can develop

Advanced Topics

Type aliases for Documentation

export type PersonId = number;

function getPerson(id: PersonId) {


Discriminated Union Types

export interface Apple {
  readonly kind: 'Apple';
  readonly color: string;

export interface Banana {
  readonly kind: 'Banana';
  readonly bendRadius: number;

export type Fruit = Apple | Banana;

The Partial Interface

export interface Person {
  readonly name: string;
  readonly age: number;
  readonly isHungry: boolean;

function updatePerson(data: Partial<Person>) {
  // Do stuff with partial person data...

The keyof Type

export interface Person {
  readonly name: string;
  readonly age: number;
  readonly isHungry: boolean;

export type PersonKey = keyof Person;

Combine keyof with Generics

// First version... We can do better!
function getPropertyLame<T>(object: T, key: keyof T) {
  return object[key];

// That's fantastic!
function getProperty<T, K extends keyof T>(object: T, key: K): T[K] {
  return object[key];

Mapped Types with keyof

export type Partial<T> = {
  [K in keyof T]?: T[K]; 

Conditional Generic Types

export type YesNo<T extends boolean> = 
  T extends true ? 'Yes' : 'No';

Infer Types in Conditional Generics

export type Unpacked<T> = 
  T extends (infer A)[] ? A : 
  T extends Promise<infer P> ? P : 
  T extends Set<infer S> ? S :
  T extends Map<infer MK, infer MV> ? [MK, MV] :

Let's create together.


Public: Pragmatic TypeScript Programmer

By Gion Kunz

Public: Pragmatic TypeScript Programmer

Slides for our Pragmatic TypeScript Workshop

  • 711